Rituals with some Logic

Some festivities and rituals followed during those times not only are enjoyed during childhood but even after we grow up. Those rituals have created such a warm space in our souls that we wait for them to arrive with extreme enthusiasm.

Waking up early morning, taking traditional baths, wearing traditional clothes, applying some typical things, dancing in a particular way, eating some distinctive sweets and the day is rejoiced forever in our memories. This is the only time, when we humans don’t mind being asked to do things a particular way!

Even though these rituals have been followed for ages for fun, gathering and celebration, they do have logic behind. Scientific reasons behind such rituals make our festivals all the more worthy.

So, here are a few beauty rituals that are followed, not for the sake of it but also because they add value to our celebrations by enhancing our bodily functions.

Few Famous Rituals-

  • Reduce Stress by applying its tilak- During various festivals tilak is made out of sandalwood paste. After the ceremony it is applied on forehead and at times on the face as well. Sandalwood paste not only enhances one’s glow on their skin but also cures various shortcomings as it is believed to have medicinal properties. Consisting of antipyretic, antiscabetic and antiseptic properties it is supposed to reduce body temperature. It helps cool the nerves which in turn relieves headache. As per Ayurveda, application of sandalwood paste reduces stress as well as treats insomnia. This paste is a blessing to both the oldies and the youth as it treats problems falling under both their canopies. For the youth, it takes best care of your skin. It is one of the most effective home remedies in curing acne and scars left behind by those harsh pimples.

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  • Massage and improve blood circulation- Ubtan has been in practice in our culture since time immemorial. It has been mentioned in the Vedic Vaidyas as a therapy for nourishment as well as protection of skin. Prepared out of herbal ingredients like turmeric, saffron, besan, seeds of yellow mustard, yogurt and sandalwood; each ingredient has its own beneficial effect on the skin. The coarse texture of the ubtan helps in exfoliating the skin and leaves it soft. The yogurt helps soothes the skin and help restore lost moisture. In addition to all of this, the massage technique used while applying the ubtan helps improve blood circulation which gives a natural glow to your skin. It is a great technique to keep your skin clean and moisturised.
  • Treat yourself with luxury heal all your skin conditions- Taking bath with raw milk during various puja ceremonies or even during weddings is one of the most common ritual. Well, milk contains proteins, fat, minerals, lactic acid and vitamins. These fats cling to your skin, give it a silky feel and not oily. Not only does it make your skin supple but also tends to exfoliate it. Lactic acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acid which is mainly used in skin care products. This helps dissolve intercellular glue which is responsible for holding the dead skin cells together. The acid in the milk tends to bog off these dead cells leaving a much smoother surface and regenerate brighter cells. Otehr than this, a milk bath also helps treat eczema, sunburn, hyperpigmentation and flaky skin. Soaking in a milk bath is relaxing as the blended fragrance of herbs with milk have a psychological effect on us.

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  • It has other properties than just wooing- Rose petals, roses, rose water, dried rose petals are not only applied to one’s skin but also considered edible. During various puja and rituals we either apply rose water or consume rose petals which are a part of our favourite dessert. This flower consists of medicinal as well as culinary values. Various Indian Tribes use it to treat ailments of skin, hair, eyes, respiratory tract, digestion and infections. Rose water is a natural skin toner as the natural oil found in roses tends to clean as well as smoothen the skin. Being a highly rich source of Vitamin C, rose petals work as an exceptionally excellent sunblock. The anti-bacterial property of this flower helps fight acne, breakouts, redness as well as psoriasis. The properties that rose consists of are also famous for enhancing and uplifting one’s mood as the smell of it helps get rid of anxiety.
  • Desi, always better than Videsi- Do you remember that as a child whenever you ran to your mother complaining about chapped lips, she very dearly standing in front of the stove making rotis would dab her finger in ghee and apply it on your lips? Also, this was a ritual to be followed during Govardhan Puja every year. Ever wondered why? Well, as much as it is an inseparable part of our culture and important for our health; it is equally important for our skin. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Consisting of healthy fats it provides moisture and hydration to our skin. Applying desi ghee on our lips overnight tends to moisturise it, a practice which has been lent to us by Ayurveda.
  • Live like those Maharani’s from old times- Camphor is widely used in religious ceremonies. In olden days, princesses used to dry their washed hair using “dhuni” which consisted of various herbs and camphor used to be a part of it. Camphor or Kapur burns cool and doesn’t leave ash or soot, which symbolises consciousness. Camphor consists of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal properties which make it highly beneficial in treating acne and other skin infections. Regular use of camphor as directed or enough during the rituals helpreduce hair fall, promotes hair growth, treats itchy skin and smoothens the hair shaft.

Isn’t it great to know the reasons behind the rituals we conduct? Now we know the reason behind all these practices and they all the more feel warm and fun to do now. So, cheers to our age old practice and let’s continue to follow them.

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